Everything You Need to Know About LASIK

LASIK is a popular surgical procedure that can correct vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Over the years, LASIK has become a go-to solution for individuals seeking to reduce their dependence on glasses or contact lenses. If you're considering LASIK, it's essential to gather all the necessary information to make an informed decision.


How LASIK Works

LASIK is a refractive surgery that reshapes the cornea, the clear front part of the eye, to improve vision. The procedure involves the use of a laser to create a thin flap on the cornea. This flap is then lifted, and the underlying corneal tissue is reshaped using an excimer laser. The laser precisely removes small amounts of tissue to reshape the cornea, correcting the refractive error causing vision problems. Once the cornea is reshaped, the flap is placed back into position, acting like a natural bandage that helps with the healing process.

Who is a Good Candidate for LASIK?

Not everyone is an ideal candidate for LASIK. To determine if you're a good candidate, an optometrist will assess several factors. Generally, good candidates for LASIK:

  • Have a stable prescription: LASIK is most effective for individuals whose vision prescription has remained stable for at least one year.
  • Are over 18 years old: To ensure accurate results, LASIK is typically performed on individuals who are at least 18 years old, as younger people's prescriptions often change.
  • Have healthy eyes: LASIK candidates should have no underlying eye conditions, infections, or other issues that may affect the healing process.
  • Have sufficient corneal thickness: The cornea needs to have enough thickness to safely create a corneal flap during the LASIK procedure.


What to Expect During and After LASIK Surgery

During LASIK surgery, your eye will be numbed with eye drops, and you may be given a mild sedative to help you relax. The procedure itself usually takes less than 15 minutes per eye. You may experience some pressure or discomfort during the surgery, but it is generally not painful. 

After the surgery, your eyes may feel irritated and watery, and you may experience some blurriness. It's important to follow your doctor's instructions for post-operative care, which may include using prescribed eye drops, wearing protective eye shields, and avoiding strenuous activities or rubbing your eyes.

It's important to note that LASIK is not an instant fix. It may take a few days or even weeks for your vision to stabilize and for you to notice the full benefits of the procedure. Your optometrist will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure proper healing.

Benefits of LASIK

LASIK offers numerous benefits for individuals who undergo the procedure. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Improved vision: LASIK can significantly improve your vision, reducing or even eliminating the need for glasses or contact lenses.
  • Convenience: With LASIK, you won't have to worry about carrying around glasses or dealing with the hassle of contact lenses.
  • Quick recovery: Most LASIK patients experience a relatively quick recovery, with many returning to their normal activities within a few days.
  • Long-lasting results: The effects of LASIK are generally permanent, providing lasting vision correction for many years.


Schedule Your Consultation with Eyecare Associates Optometric Group Today

Before deciding to undergo LASIK, it is crucial to consult with an experienced optometrist. Our optometrist will evaluate your eye health, assess your vision prescription, and discuss your expectations and concerns. We will also explain the LASIK procedure in detail, including potential risks and complications. This consultation allows our optometrist to determine if LASIK is the right choice for you and address any questions or doubts you may have.

If you're considering LASIK, schedule a consultation with our optometrist and take the first step towards clearer vision and a life free from glasses or contact lenses. Visit Eyecare Associates Optometric Group at our office in Azusa, California, or call (626) 804-3266 to book an appointment today.

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